The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams

The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.

1. VIBRANT (ADJECTIVE)(जोशपूर्ण)
: energetic
Synonyms: spirited, virile
Antonyms: dispirited, lethargic
Example Sentence:
The rich merchants are a part of a vibrant economy.

2. CHASM (NOUN): (गहरी खाई): gap
Synonyms: crater, rift
Antonyms: closure, juncture
Example Sentence:
The chasm between the rich and poor has grown wider over the last decade.

: person escaping law
Synonyms: escapee, outlaw
Antonyms: enduring,confronting
Example Sentence:
The fugitive don rarely left his cabin to avoid any social contact.

4.ADUMBRATE(VERB)(पूर्वाभास देना)
: foreshadow
Synonyms: outline, darken
Antonym: illuminate, light up
Example Sentence:
The setting sun adumbrates the bridge to create a scenic view.

: noisy
Synonyms: discordant, loud
Antonyms: mild, quiet
Example Sentence:
Her birthday parties were raucous but fun.

6. CONSORT (NOUN):(संगी)
: concomitant 
Synonyms: companion, mate
Antonyms: enemy, adversary
Example Sentence:
He is my true consort.

7. ATTUNE (VERB): (लय में करना)
: accommodate
Synonyms: accustom, adapt
Antonyms: disarrange, disagree
Example Sentence:
Students are not attuned to making decisions

8. CREDENCE (NOUN): (स्वीकृति)
: acceptance
Synonyms: assurance, certainty
Antonyms: denial, disbelief
Example Sentence:
If a person wants to give credence to his business, he should develop a company website.

9. WHIP (VERB): (पीटना): bash
Synonyms: beat, lash
Antonyms: compliment, praise
Example Sentence:
He was whipped badly.

10. CONTINUAL (ADJECTIVE)(लगातार): ceaseless
Synonyms: continuous,enduring
Antonyms: finished, end
Example Sentence:
Your words are the source of continual inspiration.


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