▪️Heritage foundation's Economic freedom index?



▪️ World press freedom index?



▪️Largest military spender country in the World in2019?



▪️ Energy transition index 2020?



▪️2020 Environment performance index(EPI)?



▪️World competitiveness index2020?


🔺Top➖ Singapore

▪️2020 startup ecosystem ranking report?


🔺Top➖ USA

▪️Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Index 2020?



▪️Global manufacturing risk index(MRI)2020?



▪️ Report on Cancer preparedness in Asia Pacific ?



◼️Global innovation index 2020?


🔺Top➖ Switzerland

◼️Economic freedom of the world 2020?


🔺Top➖Hong Kong

◼️Human capital index 2020?


🔺Top➖ Singapore

◼️Smart City index 2020?

🔺India➖ Hyderabad 85th

🔺Top➖ Singapore

◼️2020 Henley Passport index?



◼️Global climate risk Index 2020?


🔺Top➖Japan Phillipines and Germany were found to be the most climate effected countries

◾️World happiness report 2020?



◼️Global Gender Gap report 2020?


🔺Top➖ Iceland

◼️Climate change performance index 2020?


🔺Top➖ Sweden

◼️Social mobility index 2020?


🔺Top➖ Denmark

◼️International Intellectual property index 2020?



◼️2019 Global Terrorism Index?



◼️Corruption perception index 2019?


🔺Top➖ Denmark & Newziland

◼️Global democracy index 2019


🔺Top➖ Norway

◼️Human development index 2019?


🔺Top➖ Norway

◼️Global competitiveness index 2019?


🔺Top➖ Singapore

◼️Travel&Tourism competitiveness index 2019



◼️Ease of Doing Business Ranking 2019?


🔺Top➖New Zealand

◼️World Digital competitiveness Ranking 2019?



◼️World Talent Ranking 2019?


🔺Top➖ Switzerland

◼️Global Hunger Index 2019?


🔺Top➖ Seventeen countries including Belarus Ukraine turkey Cuba


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