Hindu Vocabulary

 Hindu Vocabulary 

1. OPPOSED (ADJECTIVE): (विरोधी): against 

Synonyms: opposition, averse 

Antonyms: in favour of 

Example Sentence: 

He had always been opposed to discrimination. 

2. EXTENSION (NOUN): (विस्तार): prolongation 

Synonyms: lengthening, increase 

Antonyms: shortening 

Example Sentence: 

The initial term of appointment is for one year with an extension of two years. 

3. AFFORDABLE (ADJECTIVE): (किफायती): inexpensive 

Synonyms: reasonably priced 

Antonyms: unaffordable 

Example Sentence: 

Homes have become affordable now and is no more a luxury. 

4. ACCIDENTAL (ADJECTIVE): (आकस्मिक): fortuitous 

Synonyms: chance, adventitious 

Antonyms: intentional 

Example Sentence: 

Land might be let at a fixed rent but accidental loss falls on the tenant. 

5. ROUGHLY (ADVERB): (लगभग): Approximately

Synonyms: about, around 

Antonyms: exactly 

Example Sentence: 

We all took a walk of roughly 13 miles from our hotel. 

6. PREDATORY (ADJECTIVE): (हिंसक): predacious 

Synonyms: carnivorous, hunting 

Antonyms: defensive 

Example Sentence: 

Species of shark are usually predatory. 

7. EXACERBATE  (VERB): (ख़राब करना): worsen 

Synonyms: aggravate, compound 

Antonyms: improve 

Example Sentence: 

Her condition exacerbated on the flight. 

8. ABUSE (NOUN): (अनाचार): mistreatment 

Synonyms: maltreatment, ill-treatment 

Antonyms: care 

Example Sentence: 

She had a black eye and other signs of physical abuse. 

9. REFORM (VERB): (सुधारना): improve 

Synonyms: better, refine 

Antonyms: preserve 

Example Sentence: 

The Bill will reform the tax system. 

10. CRITICAL (ADJECTIVE): (अवरोधक): censorious 

Synonyms: condemnatory, condemning 

Antonyms: complimentary 

Example Sentence: 

I was very critical of the previous regime.


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