⤵️One-word Substitution
⤵️One-word Substitution
1. The state of remaining unmarried. - Celibacy (ब्रह्मचर्य)
2. The artist who draws the comic pictures. - Cartoonist (हास्यजनक चित्र बनाने वाला)
3. A government of the people, by the people and for the people. -Democracy (प्रजातंत्र)
4. A battle or match in which neither party wins. - Drawn (अनिर्णीत)
5. Want of rain. - Drought (सूखा)
6. A disease that spreads over a large area. - Epidemic (महामारी)
7. Articles sent from one country to another. - Export (निर्यात)
8. That which is fit to be eaten. - Edible (खाने योग्य)
9. A selfish person who always thinks of himself. - Egoist (अहंवादी)
10. Fit to be chosen. - Eligible (योग्य)
11. A person who leaves his own country and goes to live in another. - Emigrant (प्रवासी)
12. A speech delivered without previous preparation. - Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
13. Words inscribed on graves. - Epitaph (कब्र पर अंकित शब्द)
14. One who believes in fate. - Fatalist (भाग्यवादी)
15. That which may cause death. - Fatal (घातक)
16. A man residing in a country of which he is not a citizen. - Foreigner (विदेशी)
17. A medicine that kills germs. - Germicide (कीटनाशक)
18. A person who eats too much. - Glutton (पेटू)
19. An office for which no salary is paid. - Honorary (अवैतनिक)
20. Killing of a human being specially by another. - Homicide (नर-हत्या)
21. That which cannot be read. - Illegible (अपठनीय)
22. A person who comes to one country from another in order to settle there. - Immigrant (आवासी)
23. That which cannot be heard. - Inaudible (जिसे सुना न जा सके)
24. That which is difficult to believe. - Incredible (जिसका विश्वास न किया जा सके)
25. That which cannot be conquered. - Invincible (अजेय)
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